Penyelesaian Sengketa

Making a complaint


Should you wish to make a complaint we ask that you follow the process outlined below, this will aid us in resolving your complaint in the most efficient manner possible in order to regain your confidence.

Firstly, gather all supporting documents that relate to your complaint, think about the questions you want answered and decide what you want us to do. Next, contact your account manager directly. Remember, if the problem is current a call at the earliest possible time will give us the opportunity to resolve your complaint immediately. If your account manager is unable to satisfactorily resolve your complaint, please ask them to refer the complaint to their manager. If your complaint is about your account manager, please ask to speak to our Compliance department.

If your complaint cannot be resolved then you may refer the matter to our Compliance department if we have not already done so. They will review your complaint and contact you directly.

You can also contact our Compliance team directly by sending an email to: [email protected]

We aim to resolve most matters within 21 days. However, some complaints are more complex and may take longer to resolve. If this is the case, we will keep you informed of our progress.

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