Trading Course for
Beginners: Course 2


Course 2: Learn Forex Trading


In Course 2, we will introduce you to the trading world. We will explain you what are CFDs and also the Forex Framework. You will learn how currencies function in forex and you will be able to understand what is Technical and Fundamental Analysis.


Course 2


40 min




› Short, easy-to-digest lessons

› Practical, interactive exercises

› Engaging videos and graphics

› Free demo account for practising your new skills

Course 2 Lessons

Lesson 1: What is a Pip in the Forex Market? START LESSON

Lesson 2: What are Bid and Ask Price Levels? START LESSON

Lesson 3: Forex Spread: What Does Spread Mean in Trading? START LESSON

Lesson 4: What is Slippage? START LESSON

Lesson 5: What are Lots in Forex? START LESSON

Lesson 6: What is Margin and Leverage? (Beginners) START LESSON

Lesson 7: What are Swaps in the Forex Market START LESSON

Lesson 8: Order Types—Understand How to Enter and Exit the Market with Confidence START LESSON

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bulletIndicateur technique et graphiques
bulletBeaucoup plus d'outils inclus

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