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About GER30
Τhe GER30, also known as DAX or Deutscher Aktien Index, is a stock index that represents 40 of the largest and most liquid German companies that trade on the Frankfurt Exchange. The prices used to calculate the GER30 index come through Xetra, and a free-float methodology is used to calculate the index weightings together with a measure of the average volume.
What affects the price of German 30 Index Cash?
As a blue-chip index, the GER30 is weighted by market capitalisation, so companies with higher market capitalisation have more impact on its value. Companies included in the GER30 can have a maximum weight of 10%. The prices used to compute the Index come from Xetra, which is an electronic trading system.
History German 30 Index Cash
The GER30 was created in 1988, and member companies represent roughly 80% of the aggregate market cap that trades on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. In 2021 the companies expanded from 30 to 40 in total.
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German 30 Index Cash Trading FAQs
What is German 30 Index Cash?
What is German 30 Index Cash?
The DAX is a German blue-chip stock market index that tracks the performance of the 40 largest companies trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange and is a major benchmark of German and European stocks. Companies included are measured by liquidity and market cap and an indicator of trends in Germany's economy. Some of them are Volkswagen, BMW, Adidas and Bayer.
How Do You Trade German 30 Index Cash?
How Do You Trade German 30 Index Cash?
The DAX price provides traders with high liquidity, tight trading spreads, and long trading hours. Traders can trade the DAX using CFDs (contracts for difference) or futures contracts. Using CFDs allows traders to go long or short without dealing with conventional exchanges like Eurex.
Where Can I Find a Trusted Forex Broker to Trade German 30 Index Cash?
Where Can I Find a
Trusted Forex Broker to Trade German 30 Index Cash?
FP Markets allows you to get in on the major global stock indexes through Contracts for Difference (CFDs) that are traded on world-class trading platforms at low leverage. Online trading CFD indices is a great way to get involved in the world's most important stock markets. For as little as 1%, you can trade CFD index futures from countries around the world. You can also trade them with margins as low as 1%. For each point that you buy or sell, you'll have to pay an extra Australian dollar (AU$1). With access to the NASDAQ 100, S&P 500, EUREX, and other indices, you can keep an eye on the stock market in other countries.