1. About
the FP Markets
Trader Toolbox Connect
The FP Markets Trader Toolbox Connect application allows you easy access to FP Markets and other online resources to help keep you informed. This application will allow you to open websites from within your trading terminal including the FP Markets website.
2. How to Setup
Setup is a quick and simple process from within your platform terminal:
Make sure you have installed the FP Markets Traders Edge Software to your platform terminal
Find the “FP Markets – Connect” application from your terminals navigator under Expert Advisors.
Drag and drop the application onto any open chart that you are not planning to use.
Ensure that you have “Allow DDL imports” ticked and select OK
고객님께서 이메일을 제공해주신다는 것은 FP Markets 개인 정보 정책에 동의함과 동시에 마케팅자료를 받아 보신다는 것을 의미합니다. 언제든지 구독취소가 가능합니다.
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