Endesa SA (ELE)

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Endesa SA Profile

Endesa SA (ELE.xmad) is a Spanish multinational electric utility company headquartered in Madrid, Spain. Endesa focuses on generating, transmitting, distributing, and selling electricity in Spain, Portugal, and North Africa. Following Enel’s acquisition of Acciona, a major stakeholder in Endesa, in 2009, the Italian energy company has complete control of Endesa SA with a 92.06% stake. The company has about 10.000 employees and more than 20 million customers worldwide, being Spain’s largest power company. Endesa SA (ELE.xmad)is traded on the Madrid Stock Exchange (BMAD) and has a market cap of €21.810B (EUR). Endesa is Spain’s sole representative in the ELVIRE (Electric Vehicle Communication to Infrastructure, Road Services, and Electricity Supply) and G4V (Grid for Vehicles) association to develop the technology, solutions, and services in the European Union. In 2018, Endesa SA, in collaboration with the Madrid City Council and Telefonica, announced the Recharging Infrastructures Plan, which consists of installing 8,500 public electric vehicles (EV) recharging points and more than 100,000 EV private points between 2019 and 2023. Endesa SA (ELE.xmad) reported €832M (EUR) net income, and an increase by 15.7% revenue of €10.27B (EUR) for the year’s first half.

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Trading hours in CET Time

Share CFD Trading FAQ

Each investor owning shares of a company is also owning fragments of the company. A quite simple way to explain what a stock is is basically when a company divides itself into several shares and then it makes a part of these equities available to the public, at a price. Each investor owning shares of a company is owning fragments of the company.

While shares represent units of ownership within a company Contracts for Difference (CFDs) allow traders to speculate on the future share price fluctuations of an underlying asset. Thus when trading CFDs traders do not physically own the underlying asset. CFDs are available for a range of underlying assets, such as shares, commodities, and foreign exchange, and indices.

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Source - database | Page ID - 13347

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