4. Symbol exits
Symbol exits close all the open trades for a single symbol, e.g. EUR/USD, when a price target is hit, or when the combined net profit on all the open trades for the symbol reaches a trigger value.
You can also set up filtering, so that the symbol exit only acts on some of the orders for the symbol. For example, you can create a symbol exit which only looks at EUR/USD buy orders which have the comment "Breakout".
4.1 Creating symbol exits
You create new symbol exits on the "Symbols" tab, using the "New symbol exit" button. You can edit an existing item by clicking on its title.
4.2 Choosing a symbol
You can either choose an individual symbol such as EUR/USD, or you can select "All symbols". The latter is intended for use with filtering, and lets you create an exit which, for example, acts on all orders for all symbols which have the comment "Breakout".
4.3 Exit threshold: price or profit
A symbol exit can either close its trades when the price reaches trigger points (ask at x or bid at y) or it can look at the combined net profit of the open trades, e.g. closing them if they are USD 50 in loss or USD 100 in profit.
You must always specify both an upper and a lower limit. If you only want to use one of these, simply set the other limit to a value which will never be hit (e.g. if you only want to use the lower limit, then set the upper limit to a profit of USD 999999 or a price of 999999).
If you select "All symbols", you can only use a profit trigger because there is no applicable price.
4.4 Amount to close
You can choose what percentage of each open trade to close. Each ticket is processed separately, and amounts are rounded up to the nearest permitted trade size. For example:
You have 4 separate open trades in EUR/USD, each of 0.10 lots.
• Your broker's minimum trade size/increment is 0.10 lots.
• You ask to close 75% of each ticket.
• The app will completely close all 4 trades. It will close 75% of each individual ticket, which is rounded up from 0.075 lots to the minimum of 0.10.
• The app will not close 75% of the total overall position, i.e. closing three of the positions and leaving you with one of the trades (0.10 lots out of the original 0.40 lots, i.e. 75%).
4.5 Closing pending orders
You can choose whether the symbol exit also deletes pending orders. If turned on, this will remove any pending orders in your trading platform, and also any stealth entries.
The close amount is not applied to pending orders. They are always removed in full.
4.6 Filtering
You can set up filtering so that the symbol exit only looks at, and acts on, trades which match certain criteria. For example, you can restrict the symbol exit so that it only closes EUR/USD buy orders, not sell orders, or only EUR/USD buy orders which have the comment "Breakout".
You can also use the "All symbols" option to create a symbol exit which acts on multiple symbols: for example, something which closes all trades with the comment "Breakout", on all symbols, when their combined profit hits a trigger.
You can filter on three things, and these conditions are combined. For example, if you select buy orders and the comment "Breakout", it means "buy orders which also have the comment", not "buy orders or orders with the comment".
• Trade direction
• Order comment
• Order "magic number"
4.6.1 Trade direction
You can choose whether a symbol exit acts on all orders, or only buys or only sells.
4.6.2 Order comment
You can select orders whose textual comment contains specific text. For example, if you enter the value "Breakout", then the symbol exit will act on orders whose comment contains the text "Breakout". For example: "Breakout", "Breakout123", "Bar Breakout" etc. The comparison is not case-sensitive; it will also match against "Bar breakout" etc.
You can specify multiple comments separated by commas: for example, "Breakout,Pivot ". This will match against any orders whose comment contains "Breakout" or "Pivot".
4.6.3 Order magic number
You can also select orders whose numeric "magic number" matches a specific value. For example, if you enter the value 12345, then the symbol exit will act on orders whose magic number is 12345.
You can specify multiple numbers separated by commas: for example, "12345,98765,22222". This will match against any orders whose magic number is 12345 or 98765 or 22222.
4.7 Repeats
You can choose that a symbol exit is not removed after it has been triggered, and is instead
kept on the list and keeps acting whenever its trigger is hit. For example:
• You are running an automated trading system on your account which is continually placing orders.
• In addition to the trading system's own rules, you want to close its positions if it goes USD 200 into loss or USD 300 into profit.
• And you want to keep closing the positions: the automated system keeps on trading, but you repeatedly want to shut down its positions if the profit limits are hit.