



对于伊斯兰信仰的交易者,掉期费用将不会在 FP Markets 伊斯兰交易账户上计入或扣除(对于特定产品)


在伊斯兰,交易被认为是非清真的行为 ,但如果您有伊斯兰外汇账户,则仍有可能进行交易。该账户提供无掉期交易,并且专为那些因宗教信仰和伊斯兰教法而无法支付或接收掉期或隔夜头寸利息的外汇交易者而设计。

开设 MetaTrader 4 或 MetaTrader 5 (MT4/MT5) 交易账户
通过电子邮件将账号发送至 onboarding@fpmarkets.com 并要求将其转换为伊斯兰账户

* FP Markets保留要求其他文件的权利,以便为帐户提供免息特权 。 如果您的身份证明文件上未提及该宗教,我们可能会要求您提供清真寺证明您的宗教信仰的信仰证明。



MetaTrader 4 伊斯兰账户


开设 MT4 账户

MetaTrader 5 伊斯兰账户


开设 MT5 账户




FP Markets 提供哪些

在 MT4 和 MT5 交易平台上,我们的 Raw 和标准账户类型都提供无掉期账户选项。


账户类型 MT4 - MT5
* 不包括 MT5 股票
POPULAR 账户类型 MT4 - MT5


FP Markets 的伊斯兰账户让您能够 交易以下金融产品:


如果您对外汇交易感兴趣,尝试便捷交易 70 多种货币对




12 种可交易品种全球指数


全球股票市场上 120 多种股票差价合约


比特币、以太坊、瑞波币、比特币现金 、莱特币等

关于清真外汇交易 — 使用伊斯兰外汇账户 进行清真交易


1 | 禁止赌博


2 | 禁止支付和收取任何利率(Riba)

通常,当交易者在交易时段结束后持有未平仓头寸时,FP Markets 会收取与利率相关的掉期佣金,而利率又与交易者通过杠杆获得的间接贷款有关。这种杠杆通常会为外汇经纪商带来利润。鉴于标准交易账户包含利息支付,因此属于“非清真”,而伊斯兰交易账户则是清真账户,因为它不涉及支付这些掉期利率,因此满足 riba 规定。

3 | 风险和收益分配


4 | 立即交换或“面对面”


FP Markets 伊斯兰外汇账户的主要特点:


与 FP Markets 交易账户类似的优越交易条件、服务和功能;唯一的区别是取消了不符合伊斯兰教法的利息收费

稳定、安全和直观的领先 交易平台 ,没有重复报价,也没有任何隐藏费用

不到 40 毫秒的快速执行^

免费且无限制地使用 MetaTrader 4 和 MetaTrader 5交易平台,包括 WebTrader、Android 和 iOS 平台



有时,交易者在早上建立头寸,并打算在当天平仓,但在一天结束时,该头寸正在获利,交易者预计该变动应该还会继续。当交易部分货币对(如下所述)时会有 5 天的免掉期费用,您可以持有更长时间的头寸,而不会有产生管理费用侵蚀您的利润。此外,在非伊斯兰账户中交易还会使伊斯兰交易者面临陷入非清真交易活动的风险。

通过全球差价合约和外汇经纪商开设 伊斯兰账户的 3 个简单步骤


请通过您的注册电子邮箱向 发送伊斯兰交易账户申请。 onboarding@fpmarkets.com.


如果您有任何疑问,请 联系我们的客户支持团队。 点击此处.

Islamic Account Admin Fees

Please note there will be the following administration fees:

Admin fee in USD
per lot, per night
Grace period
NZDUSD $1 5 nights
AUS200 $1 0 nights
EURO50 $1 0 nights
FRA40 $2 0 nights
HK50 $1 0 nights
US500 $1 0 nights
BCHUSD $1 0 nights
DOGUSD $1 0 nights
DOTUSD $1 0 nights
EOSUSD $1 0 nights
ETHUSD $1 0 nights
LNKUSD $1 0 nights
LTCUSD $1 0 nights
RPLUSD $1 0 nights
SOLUSD $1 0 nights
XBRUSD $6 0 nights
XLMUSD $1 0 nights
XTIUSD $5 0 nights
ADAUSD $1 0 nights
JP225 $2 0 nights
GBPUSD $2 5 nights
AUDCAD $3 0 nights
AUDSGD $2 0 nights
EURSEK $2 0 nights
NZDCAD $2 0 nights
SPA35 $2 0 nights
UK100 $1 0 nights
USDCAD $3 5 nights
EURNOK $3 0 nights
GBPCAD $3 0 nights
GBPNZD $3 0 nights
AUDUSD $3 5 nights
AUDNZD $3 0 nights
CHINA50 $3 0 nights
EURAUD $2 0 nights
EURDKK $3 0 nights
GER40 $3 0 nights
USDPLN $4 0 nights
EURSGD $5 0 nights
US100 $2 0 nights
EURCAD $5 0 nights
NZDSGD $3 0 nights
EURUSD $5 5 nights
AUDCHF $5 0 nights
CADCHF $5 0 nights
CHFJPY $5 0 nights
EURGBP $5 0 nights
EURNZD $5 0 nights
EURPLN $5 0 nights
GBPAUD $5 0 nights
GBPPLN $5 0 nights
GBPSEK $5 0 nights
GBPSGD $5 0 nights
NZDCHF $5 0 nights
USDCNH $5 0 nights
USDCZK $5 0 nights
USDDKK $5 0 nights
USDNOK $5 0 nights
USDSEK $5 0 nights
USDSGD $5 0 nights
AUDJPY $5 0 nights
EURCHF $5 0 nights
GBPDKK $5 0 nights
US30 $3 0 nights
USDCHF $10 5 nights
CADJPY $10 0 nights
CHFSGD $10 0 nights
NZDJPY $10 0 nights
USDTHB $55 0 nights
USDZAR $10 0 nights
BTCUSD $12 0 nights
BWPUSD $20 0 nights
EURCZK $10 0 nights
EURJPY $10 0 nights
GBPCHF $10 0 nights
USDINR $15 0 nights
XNGUSD $2 0 nights
USDJPY $15 5 nights
EURZAR $15 0 nights
XAGEUR $15 0 nights
XPTUSD $15 0 nights
USDZMW $25 0 nights
XAGAUD $15 0 nights
GBPJPY $20 0 nights
USDHUF $20 0 nights
USDMXN $20 0 nights
XPDUSD $15 0 nights
USDKRW $15 0 nights
XAGUSD $20 0 nights
EURMXN $25 0 nights
XAUEUR $25 0 nights
EURHUF $25 0 nights
GBPMXN $25 0 nights
XAUAUD $25 0 nights
XAUUSD $30 5 nights
USDTWD $30 0 nights
USDCLP $45 0 nights
USDUGX $30 0 nights
USDKES $55 0 nights
USDCOP $35 0 nights
USDTRY $125 0 nights
EURTRY $140 0 nights
GBPTRY $155 0 nights

Please refer to our Account Terms in the Product Disclosure Statement for specific terms and conditions relating to Islamic Accounts. In the Grace Period section, you will find information on how many days a product can be held overnight without incurring a charge.

* For Islamic Accounts, these products will not be subject to an admin fee for the first five nights of trading. However, if positions are held for longer than this period, the admin fee will become applicable from the sixth night onwards.

* Kindly note that Admin fees will not occur in the Swap free demo accounts.

Please note that Islamic account status does not apply to pairs not listed above, and swaps will be charged/credited as with a normal account. To avoid receiving any swap credits/charges on these symbols, ensure that all open positions are closed before the end of the day at 00:00 platform time. FP Markets reserves the right to update administration charges regularly. Any amendments to the charges will be notified to clients via the FP Markets website.

Swap-Free Accounts will have the same trading conditions and terms as a regular MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, or cTrader Platform Account.

  • Islamic clients can trade all instruments available on the platform.

  • Please note, when triple swap charges apply - on Wednesday and Friday nights - the admin fee is not charged at a triple rate; instead, we absorb the risk/cost.

  • Future products do not incur swap charges/credits. However, the monthly Rollover is applied in the swap column. Clients who wish to avoid even the appearance of a swap charge should ensure positions are closed before the roll date


bullet 可交易10,000+金融产品
bullet 支持自动交易系统
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bullet 多种技术指标&图表
bullet 提供更多交易工具

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