• Trading Skills: How to Predict and Calculate the Next Candlestick

    Trading Skills: How to Predict and Calculate the Next Candlestick

    • February 4, 2020

    Trading Skills: How to Predict and Calculate the Next Candlestick.

    The Japanese have been using candlestick charts many years before the western world created bar charts of any sort. Today, these candlestick patterns have become a crucial tool for traders to predict potential price movements of various assets. In fact, the most popular advanced trading platforms include these charts in their list of essential technical analysis tools.

  • Forex Strategy: How to Use Fibonacci Retracement and Extension

    • January 28, 2020

    Fibonacci numbers, when applied in technical analysis through Fibonacci retracement and Fibonacci extension, are one of the most prolific techniques traders use to qualify or disqualify forex trades. In this article, we’ll look at how both retracement and extension work, and how you can use them in your own trading. Fibonacci retracement Fibonacci retracement is

  • How does a Pro trader trade?

    How does a Pro trader trade?

    • November 5, 2019

    There is no single formula for success in the financial markets. That is why each trader has their own trading approach. But what sets pro traders apart from everyone else? What gives them an edge in the markets? Here’s how pro traders trade. 1. They have a plan The professional trader has a detailed trading

  • Trader Psychology and FOMO when trading

    • October 31, 2019

    How do you explain traders desperately buying at high prices as stock prices continue to rise? Or, those who buy Bitcoin at a very high price – even when they are unsure what cryptocurrency is? The markets are fast-paced and require real-time reactions. This can become psychologically overwhelming, especially when the markets are experiencing exceptionally

  • Top 10 Worst Ever Trade Decisions

    Top 10 Worst Ever Trade Decisions

    • October 30, 2019

    Trading is potentially lucrative but losses and poor decisions are part of the game. Some choices can result in spectacular losses. Here is a countdown of the top 10 worst ever trade decisions.